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Fillable Form Tennessee Vehicle Registration (RV F1315201)

The Tennessee Department of Safety (DOS) and Department of Revenue (DOR) are offering residents the chance of handling title transfers, registrations, driver’s license applications, and other dmv-related requests from home.

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What is the Tennessee Vehicle Registration Form?

Form RV F1315201, Tennessee Department of Revenue Vehicle Services Division Multi-Purpose Application, or the Tennessee Vehicle Registration Form is a Tennessee Department of Revenue - Vehicle Services Division form used by Tennessee residents to request various vehicle titles and to apply for registration, permits, and plates.

How to fill out the Tennessee Vehicle Registration Form?

The TN vehicle registration form is easy to accomplish. You can electronically fill it out and download it as PDF using PDFRun. Simply follow the instructions below and you can complete the form in a matter of minutes.

New or Current Title Number

Enter your new or current title number.

Transaction Code

Enter the appropriate code for the type of transaction you want. You may select:

  • (N1-01) Title and Registration (transfer of ownership, new vehicle, new tag)
  • (N2-02) Title and Registration (transfer of ownership, new vehicle, reassigned tag)
  • (N1-N2) Surety Bond (no ownership documents available)
  • (07) Duplicate/Replacement Title (original lost, stolen, or mutilated)
  • (07) Noting of Lien
  • (N5-05) Title Only
  • (10) Reassignment with exchange of plates (old-new)
  • (12) Surviving Spouse (within one year death of spouse)
  • (18) Correction of Title (owner name, vehicle info incorrect)
  • (20) Salvage (to rebuild vehicle)
  • (20) Non-Repairable (not drivable, parts only)
  • (81-82) Placard Only (disability, 81 temporary, 82 permanent)
  • (25) Renewal Only
  • (03) Registration Only (updating tag information, change of class)
  • (17) Corrected Registration (incorrect tag info current registration, correction, duplicate plate)
  • (04) Replacement Plate (lost, stolen, or mutilated-regular issue)
  • (N1) Forced Registration (refer to clerk’s manual for listings)
  • (80) Temporary Operator Permit (refer to clerk’s manual for listings)
  • (28) Re-assigned Registration (transferred un-expired tag on vehicle to another vehicle)
  • (14) Renewal Instant Print/Address Change
  • (80-84) De-title Mobile Home

Note that if you’re applying for a corrected registration to correct name or vehicle information, you must also apply for a corrected title by completing a separate application to correct that information.

Registration Only Number

Enter your registration only number.

Owner Information Legal Status

When ownership of a vehicle has more than one name, the “and”, “or” code determines which signature(s) will be required to sell the vehicle or for other actions. Enter code (1) for “and” and code (2) for “or”.

Name Code

If the title is to be printed with one or more owners or a company enter the appropriate code number. You may select:

  • (1) Same
  • (2) Different
  • (3) Multiple Last Names
  • (4) Company
  • (5) Over 25 Characters


Enter your MAO code.


Enter your ILU code.

Last Name

Enter your last name.

First Name

Enter your first name.

Middle Initial

Enter your middle initial.

Last Name

Enter your co-owner’s last name, if any.

First Name

Enter your co-owner’s first name, if any.

Middle Initial

Enter your co-owner’s middle initial, if any.

Address 1 (Mailing)

Enter your mailing address.


Enter the city of your mailing address.


Select the state of your mailing address from the drop-down list.

ZIP Code

Enter the ZIP code of your mailing address.

Address 2 (Physical)

Enter your physical address.


Enter the city of your physical address.


Select the state of your physical address from the drop-down list.

ZIP Code

Enter the ZIP code of your physical address.

Additional Owner

Enter the name of an additional owner, if any.

County of Residence/Principal Bus or Incorp Location

Enter your county of residence.

Purchase Date

Enter the date your vehicle was purchased.


Enter the appropriate code if leased. You may select:

  • (1) If leased, enter the name and complete address of the lessee in the section provided.
  • (2) If leased, to indicate a different mailing address for local drivers.

Service Options

Enter the code that applies to you. You may select:

  • (1) Military (leave earning statement (LES) & current stationing orders are required)
  • (2) Restrictive (departmental use only)

Telephone Number

Enter your daytime phone number including area code where you can be reached.

Placard/Hearing Impaired CLS/Year

Enter your placard number, if any.

Form RV-F1310301, Application for Disabled Person License Plate, Placard, or Decal, must be supported and completed by a medical doctor licensed to practice medicine or a Christian Science Practitioner listed in the Christian Science Journal or attaching a current prescription disclosing the disability.

Insurance Policy Number

Enter your insurance policy number.

Vehicle Information


Enter your vehicle identification number.


Enter the brand of your vehicle.


Enter the model of your vehicle.


Enter the model year of your vehicle.


Enter the body style of your vehicle.

Title Brand

Enter the title brand of your vehicle.


Enter the appropriate code for your vehicle’s title brand. You may select:

  • (N) new vehicle/MSO
  • (U) used vehicle
  • (D) demonstrator
  • (1) rebuilt
  • (2) flood damage
  • (3) specially constructed
  • (4) replica
  • (8) non-repairable
  • (5) methamphetamine
  • (A) combination (D & 5)
  • (B) combination (1 & 5)
  • (C) combination (2 & 5)
  • (E) combination (3 & 5)
  • (F) combination (4 & 5)
  • (G) combination (8 & 5)

Type of Fuel

Enter the type of fuel your vehicle used.


Enter the appropriate code for your vehicle’s type of fuel. You may select:

  • (1) gas
  • (2) diesel
  • (3) electric
  • (4) propane
  • (5) kerosene
  • (6) gasohol
  • (7) flex fuel e85
  • (8) hybrid
  • (9) other

Surrendered Title Number

Enter the title number in which you are surrendering to establish ownership in your name in the State of Tennessee.


Select the state in which you are surrendering to establish ownership from the drop-down list.

Previous States Titled

Enter the previous states titled of your vehicle.

Vehicle Use and Vehicle Type

Enter the vehicle use and vehicle type code (see T&R quick reference manual).

Current Mileage

Enter the mileage at the time of transfer.

Odometer Indicator Code

Enter the appropriate code in the odometer indicator box. You may select:

  • (0) Actual
  • (1) Over 10 years old/GVWR over 16,000 lbs.
  • (8) Not Actual
  • (9) In excess of mechanical limits

Color Code (Upper and Lower)

Enter the appropriate color code(s).

Mobile Home (Length and Width)

Enter the length and width of the Mobile Home.

Number Axles and Gross Vehicle Weight

Vehicles over 16,000 lbs. should enter the number of axles and gross vehicle weight.

Vehicle Trade-In Description

Enter the make and year of the vehicle the license plate is being reassigned from.

Company Vehicle Number

Enter the number provided by the business, if available.

Plate Information

This part is required only for Title and Registration and Registration Only Transactions.

Plate Number

Enter the new plate number of your vehicle.

Classcode/Issue Year

Enter the new class code or issue year of your vehicle and your temporary operator permit number.

Validation Number

Enter the new validation number of your vehicle.

County Sticker Number

Enter the new county sticker number of your vehicle.

City Sticker Number

Enter the new and reassigned plate city sticker number of your vehicle.

Plate Number (Trade-In)

Enter the reassigned plate number of your vehicle.

Classcode/Issue Year

Enter the reassigned plate class code or issue year of your vehicle.

Expiration Date

Enter the new and re-assigned plate expiration date of your vehicle and your temporary operator permit number.

TDS Sticker Number

Enter the TDS sticker number of your vehicle.

Temporary Operator Permit Number

Enter your temporary operator permit number.

Number of Seats

Enter the seating capacity of your vehicle.

Zone County Name

Enter the zone county name of your vehicle.

USDOT/Registrant Number

Enter the USDOT or registrant number of your vehicle.

Motor Carrier Number

Enter the motor carrier number of your vehicle.

Lien Information

Complete this part only if you have a lien (loan) on your vehicle.

First Lienholder

Enter the name of your lienholder.

Lien Date

Enter the date the lien was put in effect.


Enter the street where your lienholder resides.


Enter the city where your lienholder resides.


Select the state from the drop-down list where your lienholder resides.

ZIP Code

Enter the ZIP code where your lienholder resides.

Second Lienholder

Enter the name of your second lienholder, if any.

Lien Date

Enter the date your lien was put in effect.


Enter the street where your second lienholder resides.


Enter the city where your second lienholder resides.


Select the state from the drop-down list where your second lienholder resides.

ZIP Code

Enter the ZIP code where your second lienholder resides.

Note that if you have a second lienholder, your title will be mailed to the first lienholder.

Lessee/Registrant Information

Legal Status

Enter code (1) for “and” and code (2) for “or”.

Name Code

If the registration is to be mailed with one or more lessee registrants or a company enter the appropriate code number. You may select:

  • (1) Same
  • (2) Different
  • (3) Multiple Last Names
  • (4) Company
  • (5) Over 25 Characters


Enter your lessee registrant’s MAO code.


Enter your lessee registrant’s ILU code.


Enter the name of your lessee registrant.


Enter the address of your lessee registrant.


Enter the city where your lessee registrant resides.


Select from the drop-down list where your lessee registrant resides.

ZIP Code

Enter the ZIP code where your lessee registrant resides.

Vehicle Cost/Tax Information

This part is required only for Title and Registration Transactions.

Sale Price

Enter the total sale price of your vehicle.

Trade In Allowance

If applicable, enter the trade-in value of your vehicle.

Taxable Amount

If applicable, enter the taxable amount of your vehicle.

Sales Tax Paid

If applicable, enter the total amount of sales tax you paid for your vehicle.

Tax Exemption Reason/Sales Tax Number

Enter the tax-exempt reason or sales tax number, evidence of exemption is required.

Dealer Name, Dealer Address, and Dealer Number

Enter the dealer name and address along with the Motor Vehicle Commission Dealer assigned number if the vehicle was purchased from a dealership.

Required for Duplicate Title

This part is required only if you’re requesting a Duplicate Certificate of Title.


Mark this box if your original title has been lost.


Mark this box if your original title has been stolen.


Mark this box if your original title has been mutilated.

Returned Due to Non Delivery

Mark this box if your original title has been returned due to non delivery.


Mark this box if your original title has been altered. Submit the altered Certificate of Title.


Mark this box if your original title has been illegible. Submit the illegible Certificate of Title.

Signature of Certifier/Owner

Affix your signature.

Power of Attorney/Authorized Signature

If applicable, affix your authorized signature.


Enter the date you signed the form.

Invoice Number

Enter your invoice number.

County Name

Enter your county name.

CO Number

Enter your CO number.

Date of Application

Enter the date you applied.


Keywords: tennessee vehicle registration tn vehicle register tn vehicle registration rv f1315201 form rv f1315201 tn license application vehicle registration

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